Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Beginning

This is the beginning of the Tosa Cigars blogspot.  And we would love to thank everyone for coming in and reading, commenting, thinking about what we say, and more importantly smoking cigars as often as you can.  We are dedicated to a number of things in the cigar community.  For one, we want to put out solid cigars, with great tobacco, and solid and affordable prices.  And at the same time, we want to protect not just your right, but our right as well to smoke pretty much wherever we may want.  We want to win the War on Tobacco that is being waged by politicians and others who think they know what is best for us.

Cigars are something that people often like to compare to other tobacco products, such as cigarettes.  Now, I have never been one for the arts, but my appreciation has begun to build, and all I can say is that the major difference is the art of the cigar.  The art in its creation, in its blending process, in how the individual wants to cut the tip of the cigars, or how the individual wants to light it.  It is all purely an art.  As the ash burns down to a third of the way, or sometimes to the halfway point of a cigar, it's a beautiful image to see that half smoked side versus the side that hasn't been smoked quite yet.  But where is the art in a cigarette?  Where is the admiration and the savor that comes with smoking a cigarette?  A quick high, perhaps, but how do you compare the two?

There are plenty of health concerns to go around concerning the use of cigars and other tobacco products, but rest assured some of the biggest critics do not have the slightest credentials to be making the claims they do.  Are there health risks with smoking too many cigars?  Of course, just as I am sure there are health risks with eating only carrots your whole life.  People need to do the research on their own and come to their own conclusions, and stop letting others decide for them.

Again, thank you for coming and reading our blog!  We hope to write on tobacco, as well as the fight to save cigars, and anything else tobacco and cigar related we feel people would like to hear about.  Take care, and be sure to try Tosa Cigars, a fresh take on classic!


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