So it has been a little while since my last blog post. I could blame it on a number of things like being too busy with law school, or running around doing events, or going from shop-to-shop, but those would just be excuses. The honest truth is: I pretty much forgot. But I am back and more excited than ever for 2012! We had some major things happening for Tosa Cigars toward the end of 2011, but in the end I decided that the best route right now was to keep doing things as I am doing them now.
So what are some highlights that we hope to accomplish by the end of 2012? Well, most of those goals are internal numbers, so I am not going to say :). But there are some things I can share: Tripling the number of shops we are in by the end of the year, coming out with a second blend, making an appearance at this year's IPCPR, and adding a new size to the current blend. It is a lot to accomplish along with the items I am not mentioning, and I still have school to worry about, but I have full faith in our team that we can accomplish these and maybe even more!
As always, we love to hear from everyone on their thoughts on the cigars or even just a simple hello! And to those people who email or message me on Facebook and Twitter asking if they can buy cigars from me, the answer is simple: No, but any one of our retailers on our website are more than happy to take orders and send you our sticks! So please, they have given us so much in support, the least we could do is push business toward them. Take care, and Happy New Year!
Mike Gabrail
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